Monday, September 24, 2012

Week Three: Do You Visit Around Here Often?

Photo by Zoe Heil
Well, you have made it three weeks . . .actually only 15 days, but it feels like three weeks, right?  At this point you should be getting familiar with all of your new web tools. I don't expect you to love them all, but I will give you enough that hopefully, a few will stick with you in your research, your MA and beyond. We will spend the majority of the evening finishing the orientation to more web tools. I don't want to rush this process too much in order to keep everyone's affective filter low. . .

You had two blog assignments due before class:  Visitor & Resident Theory and Learning in  New Media Environments.  Not only were you to have your posts on your blogs, but you should be reading and commenting on your peers' blogs as well.  We will discuss this process in class tonight.

Question:  What is the PLN tool that you are most excited about and why?  (Click on the word comment at the bottom of the post and leave your response.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Welcome to EDUC 578

My daughter Zoe learning on her iPhone
I can't believe a year has passed since I last taught this course.  Last year was my first year of teaching both this course and for USD.  I am very excited to get the opportunity to work with SOLES students again around this topic.  I am fascinated with learning in general and specifically, how technology can assist the learning of anyone.  I am definitely much more of a techie than an expert on learning theory, so we will take a hands-on and self-reflective approach to this topic.

My goal for this course is to consider all aspects of learning, both personally, and for your students.  I see technology as a medium of instruction as well as a driving force behind most school reform.  I am less concerned about specific technology tools than I am about how to utilize technology to enhance learning and instruction.  The tools that will be in the classroom in ten or even five years have probably not even been invented yet. This is why it is more important to get a broader picture of the concept of technology integration in schools without limiting ourselves to current technology.

To this point, you will be creating a personal learning network (PLN) and utilizing a variety of web-based tools to investigate your learning.  I don't think I have ever taught the same course twice.  For me, each class I teach is uniquely composed of the learners in the class, so by necessity, each class has its own personality and expertise.  I will do my best to get to know each of you as learners and construct our experience this semester accordingly.

I look forward to learning with you.

jeffery heil