Monday, September 24, 2012

Week Three: Do You Visit Around Here Often?

Photo by Zoe Heil
Well, you have made it three weeks . . .actually only 15 days, but it feels like three weeks, right?  At this point you should be getting familiar with all of your new web tools. I don't expect you to love them all, but I will give you enough that hopefully, a few will stick with you in your research, your MA and beyond. We will spend the majority of the evening finishing the orientation to more web tools. I don't want to rush this process too much in order to keep everyone's affective filter low. . .

You had two blog assignments due before class:  Visitor & Resident Theory and Learning in  New Media Environments.  Not only were you to have your posts on your blogs, but you should be reading and commenting on your peers' blogs as well.  We will discuss this process in class tonight.

Question:  What is the PLN tool that you are most excited about and why?  (Click on the word comment at the bottom of the post and leave your response.


  1. I am most interested in Pinterest and using it as a tool for education. :)

  2. I'm interested in Twitter. There are tons of users and I like the micro-blogging aspect (quick and short!)

  3. Twitter! I hadn't joined because I thought it would be another time-waster, but I love love love the PLN learning & networking opportunities it provides!

  4. Pinterest is wonderful. It is inspiring to see the boards of other educators. I've also begun a visual journal project in my classroom using boards for each student.

  5. Twitter is something I am interested in now. I now know how to use it more efficiently and can gain a plethora of resources an an educator.
