Monday, October 29, 2012

Week Eight: Taking Time to Reflect. . .

Our grand experiment has reached week eight.  If someone you didn't know asked you about the class and what you have learned, what would you tell them?  What proof would you offer that documents your journey, your learning?  As your mentor, or guide, in this process, I have two main places where I go to see your progress, Twitter and your blogs.  I look for reflections on your natural curiosity and what you are learning. . .There should be multiple posts that discuss something you find curious, interesting, or challenging.  I look at my Tweetdeck and the #usdedu and our educ578 stream to find things you have discovered and shared. Is there ample evidence of your learning?  Are you curating content or using Diigo to bookmark your progress.  If so, how are you sharing? Are you fostering your passion? Have you participated in an educational chat?  If so, what was the chat hashtag, the topic, and is there a reflective blog post on the experience?  Have you been commenting on your peers' work?  Have you been sharing your work and your peers work by re-tweeting and adding hashtags that other people/groups would find interesting? Are you already involved in your 20% project?  What have you learned so far and what is your evidence?
Franny the Wonder Dog!

In the name of learning transparently, I would like you to write a blog post, in class this evening (or from home if you cannot make it to class), that captures an assessment of your learning so far this semester. . .please discuss the evidence for your learning. Discuss your successes and your challenges. . .and comment on your peers blogs. 
Then, I would like you to make a list (checklist or diagram, or. . .) that represents what you believe all students should be doing to document their learning in this course each week. . . ( is a great tool for this) and post it in your blog post or link on the side. This process might help you help yourself understand and/or quantify what you should be doing each week. As we have already discussed in class, I think some people really need to see a checklist or some other medium that represents work that needs to be completed. It will also help me understand what you believe learning should look like. I am also trying to find the balance between too much and not enough support. . .I have the matrix, but perhaps one of you could come up with a way to visualize the process. If you want to see some tangible examples of learning transparently, look at the following blogs: Alexis, Angelica, Far, Lindsay, Maureen, and Nour.  I see authentic and continued learning on their blogs (multiple original posts) and on Twitter. . .

Tonight, I will help you with the Pink project, whether it be brainstorming or technical support.  Also, we need to discuss your class visit to Encinitas.  I have heard from Dr. Miyashiro and he is happy to have us and can take us to two schools!  We need to pick a few dates tonight please.

I hope you will all be wearing black tonight to support Maureen as she mourns the death of her beloved Tigers. . .or at least pour out a little of your Starbucks in her honor. . .

Question: Who is your current favorite musical artist or musician?


  1. I hate picking just one, but my current interest is Imagine Dragons.
    My all-time go-to's though are Dashboard Confessional, Bruno Mars, John Mayer, and any cover done by the Vitamin String Quartet :)

    1. PS. ALWAYS a Tiger! Just wait til next year :)

  2. Just recently I bought a car and it came with a free subscription of Sirius XM, so I have been listening to the BPM station. Right now I find myself listening to Avicii (a DJ).

    But really, I have a very random playlist going on :)

  3. Michael Bolton....He brings me way back when I was a little girl. I remember my mom would play his CDs and turn up the radio extremely loud. We would dance, we would cook, and sometimes even do homework with Michael Bolton blasting loudly in the background. I donwloaded a few of his CDs this summer, and just this morning I was listening to "How am I supposed to live without you," and "How can we be lovers if we can't be friends." Aww the good old days

  4. My current favorite musical artist is One Republic. I've been a fan of them for a while now, but I've been pretty excited about their newest album.

  5. Currently my favorite musical artist is the Zac Brown Band. I am a pretty big country fan but I also enjoy other music genres as well.

  6. Many songwriters will describe their careers as unfolding similar to that of a journey. I feel that Peter Gabriel's journey, from the viewpoint of this listener is one of the more interesting journey's in music. I first came to know him as lead-singer for the Rock Supergroup Genesis. He moved on to a solo career, paving the way for Phil Collins, drummer for Genesis, to take his eerily similar sounding voice and become lead singer. For several years, I didn't listen to much of Peter's work..I was still more into main-stream rock. Then I watched one of his recent tours. His lyrics are thoughtful and poetic, touching on memories & the human condition for sources of inspiration. His use of tone, precision and multiple non-mainstream instruments add to his appeal. His shows are unique and display much of what Daniel Pink lauds as right-brain, creative thinking. Here is a song from one of his live performances:
